Monday, August 28, 2017

28 de agosto - 1 de septiembre

¡Bienvenidos de nuevo al nuevo año escolar!

Monday: Students will go over the class syllabus and learn a few useful phrases.
Tuesday: Students will learn the Spanish alphabet.
Wednesday: Students will practice with the Spanish alphabet.
Thursday: Students will practice with the Spanish alphabet and learn numbers 0-20.
Friday: Students will practice with numbers 0-20.

Homework Assignment for the week: Get the class syllabus signed and returned.

Lunes: Students will go over the class syllabus and receive their textbooks.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Martes: Students will review vocabulary from the previous year.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Miercoles: Students will review infinitives and the present tense of regular verbs.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Jueves: Students will review the present tense of irregular verbs and write a paragraph about themselves. (Paragraphs will be presented tomorrow.)
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Viernes: Students will finish "About Me" paragraphs and begin presenting them.
Tarea: Syllabus' due by Tuesday.

Lunes: Students will go over the class syllabus and receive their textbooks.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Martes: Students will review past vocabulary and the present tense of regular verbs.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Miercoles: Students will review the present tense of irregular verbs.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Jueves: Students will practice verb conjugations and complete a writing activity.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Viernes: Students will practice verb conjugations.
Tarea: Syllabus' due by Tuesday.


Lunes: Students will go over the class syllabus and receive their textbooks.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Martes: Students will review the present, preterite and imperfect tenses.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Miercoles: Students will review past vocabulary and complete a listening/writing activity.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Jueves: Students will write their first journal entry.
Tarea: Get the class syllabus signed.
Viernes: Students will make corrections to their journal entries and review past vocabulary.
Tarea: Syllabus' due by Tuesday.