Monday, September 25, 2017

25 de septiembre - 29 de septiembre

Monday: Students will learn the months in Spanish.
Tuesday: Students will complete a months worksheet.
Wednesday: Students will
Thursday: Students will practice
Friday: Students will practice

Lunes: Students will go over and copy Chapter 6A Vocabulary.
Tarea: Finish copying Ch.6A Vocabulary.
Martes: Students will read the Ch.6A Videohistoria.
Miércoles: Students will create their "dream bedroom" and write sentences describing it.
Tarea: Finish the "dream bedroom" project and complete Worksheet 6A-1/6A-2.
Jueves: Students will practice Ch.6A vocabulary with listening activities.
Tarea: Complete Worksheet 6A-3/6A-4 and Study for Ch.6A Vocabulary Quiz.
Viernes: Students will take the Ch.6A Vocabulary Quiz.

Lunes: Students will practice Ch.1B vocabulary with a speaking activity.
Tarea: Complete Worksheet 1B-3/1B-4.
Martes: Students will read the Ch.1B Videohistoria.
Tarea: Study for the Ch.1B Vocabulary Quiz.
Miércoles: Students will take the Ch.1B Vocabulary Quiz and go over Making Comparisons.
Tarea: Complete Worksheet 1B-5.
Jueves: Students will practice Making Comparisons/Vocabulary with writing and listening activities.
Tarea: Study for the Making Comparisons Quiz.
Viernes: Students will take the Making Comparisons Quiz and go over SABER vs. CONOCER.
Tarea: Complete Worksheet 1B-6.

Lunes: Students will practice for and take the Imperfect Progressive Quiz.
Martes: Students will review for the Chapter 5B Exam.
Tarea: Study for the Chapter 5B Exam.
Miércoles: Students will take the Chapter 5B Exam and copy Ch.6A vocabulary.
Tarea: Finish copying Ch.6A vocabulary.
Jueves: Students will go over and practice with Chapter 6A vocabulary.
Tarea: Complete Worksheet 6A-1/6A-2.
Viernes: Students will create crossword puzzles with Ch.6A vocabulary.

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